This anime series was subsequently adapted into a video game of the same name, and a number of albums based on the anime were also produced. Animated by Bee Train and directed by Kōichi Mashimo, the two-season series aired in Japan on NHK, with the first season running from April 9 to October 15, 2005, and the second from April 29 to November 4, 2006. The series has been adapted into a 52 episode anime series titled Tsubasa Chronicle. Each chapter is called 'Chapitre' ( シャピトル Shapitoru ?), French for 'Chapter'. It was also published in 28 collected volumes by Kodansha, with the first volume released on Aug and volume 28 released on November 17, 2009.
The series premiered in Japan in Weekly Shōnen Magazine in May 2003, and after 233 chapters, ended in October 2009. The chapters of the manga series Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle were written and illustrated by Clamp. The first volume of Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle as released by Del Rey Manga.